Hello fellow readers!! As you can check on the most of our posts, we encourage everybody to do outdoor or indoor exercise. Despite everything, you cannot be willing to do a training but even so you are willing to move your body. Previously, we talked about the strength training, HIIT, TRX but... why don't we dance? Currently, there are a lot of different types of fitness dance, such as the worldwide known ZUMBA or the Spanish versions Bundafit and xTromba. You only have to search on internet and you'll get wonderful sessions to have a very good time. On the other hand, there are also a great number of YouTubers who upload their dance routines to their channels, so you'll only have to follow them to start dancing. At this point you may be wondering which are the benefits of these programs. Well, these programs are known as "intervalic trainings" because your heart rate will increase and decrease continuously, which make you burn calories while dancing...