Hello readers!

The lockdown time is about to end!
But we can continue training at home indefinitely !

In this occasion I have the pleasure to present you a new and powerful training method to do at home!

Do you know the TRX suspension training?
TRX is a training system based in suspension exercises with straps, where your hands or feet are steady in handles or foot cradles. You can try to do many exercises using your bodyweight as a resistance.

You can choose from a great variety of different exercises to train all your body.

The best of this training method is that you can change the difficulty when you modify the angle of your position.
The more inclined you are, the harder it is.

Where can I place my own TRX suspension kit?
You can try to hang TRX from the ceiling of any room of your house (images 1 and 2). Another option is to place the kit in any door (images 3 and 4).

You can see the results in these photos

Image 1

Image 2
Image 3
Image 4

If you choose to hang it from the door you have to bear in mind that the door is resistant and that nobody can open the door. Otherwise, it can be dangerous for you.

Are you ready for the next step? C'mon!

You have prepared the TRX to perform a great training session but... Do you know all the parts of the TRX suspension kit? 
Do you know all the positions of the straps? 

First, I will try to explain you the six body positions:
The reference point for the six body position is the anchor point.
There are three basic standing positions
1. Stand facing (SF)
2. Stand facing away (SFA)
3. Stand Sideways (SSW)

And the three basic ground positions:
1. Ground facing (GF)
2. Ground facing away (GFA)
3. Ground facing sideways (GSW)

You can see the picture to do a correct position 
Well, you know the positions but...  which are the Procedures or Length adjustments? 
In a TRX suspension training there are different length adjustments depending on the exercise.
I'm going to describe the 5 positions of the straps
1. Full shortened, when the straps and handles are in the chest.
2. Mid length, putting the straps at the core
3. Mid calf, when the handles or foot cradles are at the calf
4. Full lengthened
5. Over shortened
Here you have different exercises for you to practice with this new method training. Try to do them carefully.

Do you think this type of training isn't hard enough? In the following PDF you can read a comparison between Crossfit and TRX effects in your body.


  1. Nice post! I’m waiting for my new TRX! I’ll follow your tips!


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