Sugar is not beneficial for our health

Currently we care about staying healthy and for this we try to eat a healthy diet. But many times we do not realize that most of the products we eat carry large amounts of harmful sugars for our body.

 Sugar is the so-called drug of the XXI century.
Although it is a necessary substance for the body, the truth is that excessive consumption of sugar can affect the functioning of different organs and lead to major health problems.
The health problems caused by excessive consumption of sugar.
There are more and more studies that, according to Almodóvar, relate the high consumption of sugar, with the risk of suffering "metabolic syndrome", suffering from chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, coronary and liver diseases. Do not forget that it also produces a great problem of obesity.
Weight gain, since the liver transforms this excess fat into adipose tissue, which can even cause obesity. The brain is severely affected by acidic blood, as it reduces its plasticity.
Excessive sugar consumption has become a normalized circumstance. During the day you consume a large amount of sugar and sometimes without knowing it. Not only the pastry is full of sugars, but other foods such as sausages, bread, yogurt, ketchup and all kinds of dressings, fried tomato or energy bars, including some foods advertised as "natural" or "healthy "
Most industrial products contain sugar in high amounts that we must control so as not to exceed 50 grams per day considered acceptable for a diet.

    Mitos sobre el azúcar — Mejor con Salud
  • 1 sugary yogurt: 30 gr of sugar  
  • 3 cookies: 10 gr of sugar
  • 1 glass of cola drink: 25 g of sugar
  • 50 gr of chocolate: 35 gr of sugar

 It is important, as consumers, to become aware of the amount of sugar we take.

For both adults and children, the consumption of free sugars should be reduced to less than 10% of the total caloric intake. A reduction below 5% of total caloric intake would produce additional health benefits.
For example, an adult consuming 2,000 calories should reduce their intake of free sugars to less than 25g, which is roughly equivalent to less than 6 4g lumps.
A project has been created, a photographic project that aims to visualize the free sugar that is in many of the foods that we usually consume.

Is it true that sugar hooks as much as some drugs?
Scientists consider that sugar is very likely to act on the human brain, just as alcohol, cigarettes or cocaine do.
One such scientist is David S. Ludwig, a Harvard professor of medicine, who published a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition that “highly processed and refined carbohydrates, such as white bread and sugar, alter brain activity in In ways that make us crave them even more, sugars can cause symptoms related to addition, especially in obese people.

Like everything said above, we see that sugar is quite harmful to our body and health.
Apart from what I have explained, I am posting a video of a documentary called “The Dr Robert Lustig Sugar Pandemic”, in which he explains very well how the network of food companies works with sugar.
Click to see the documentary:

And I also attach a file where you can see the grams of sugar that contain very common food numbers in our diet.

Greetings and see you soon to learn many more things.




  1. Good and useful information. I have learned things that I did not know about sugar and I have become aware of the risks of eating sugar

  2. Unaware of how harmful sugar can be. Good job!!


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