Hello friends, welcome to this new section of the blog, where we will share with you the best places to practice sport. More and more people are practicing the sport, and as a consequence, more and more new sports are emerging. However, it is obvious that there is no specific site that is the best, as this depends on the sport being practiced, the person in particular and many other factors.
From a personal perspective, I bring you, which for me is my preferred way to practice sport. This is the natural environment. Possibly, it is one of the favorites for many of you, since there are a large number of sports that are encompassed and practiced in this environment, from physical-sports practices for schools, to competitive sports such as race races, orientation, mountain bicycle etc.
Let's talk a little about the activities that take place in this environment. To begin with, these types of activities will be modified to practices practiced outside the usual place of residence, in a medium that is little modified by man or little inhabited by it, and to cope with it requires learning technical techniques. Within this type of activities we find a classification of different media:
- Water
- Air
- Land
- Snow
- Ice

Seeing that this medium encompasses a lot of sports and possible practice activities, we can deduce that there are many people who use the medium during the week and especially on the weekend. A medium whose main characteristic is NATURE. For this reason, there is something very important to practice sport in this environment, it is RESPECT. From a young age in school they teach us to respect our classmates, and that's fine. The teacher is in charge of establishing this series of values ​​in each of the students, that is why we believe it important that within his annual planning, he includes didactic units in these media, where he imparts all the values ​​that surround this area, especially the RESPECT the environment. And I say this since on many occasions we see in the news how fires occur in forests, garbage on the beach, mountains, parks, natural spaces, etc. Addressing the environmental impact of activities in the very extensive serious natural environment, therefore, we believe that the basis of everything, education, will be the main determining factor.

El deporte reúne a su comunidad por la sostenibilidad y el cuidado ...

We leave you here this link, I hope you get the message.

Once commented, what for me is one of the most common and pleasant means for sports practice, we would like to know the members of the blog, what you think about this topic. Any proposal or constructive comment, can be used for the next entries of this blog, so friends, GO FORWARD!


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