Hello dear readers, once again we bring you a new post related to the best places to practice sport. After the last entry where we talked about the natural environment, we have thought it convenient to bring this new post where to propose a topic, which can bring debate, but which is interesting from a sports practice. So at first glance they are two opposite poles, but the two have things in common, including that you can play sports.

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It is obvious that sports will be very different, on the beach, predominantly water sports, taking advantage of the peculiarities of the sea. But not only that, but they can also practice sports on the sea shore, with or without sand, to the taste of each one. Regarding the benefits provided, frequency of the physiological changes that produce the practiced sports modality, we found a clear benefit, and it is related to psychological factors. The practice in these places, affect emotions, so that it allows us to stay more emotionally stable. Another important factor, considering the beach in practice and the time of year is relaxation, a key aspect to keep in mind after a period of stress, where cortisol is through the roof.
It is in these places, where we can practice sports stories such as swimming, surfing, running, volleyball and a host of activities, most of them related to health sport, even that we also find sports in this area related to performance.
On the other hand, the mountain, is usually related more to high performance, although, the majority of people who practice sport in this area is for hobby and fun. It is true that, in the mountains, at altitudes above 2000m, the oxygen concentration is lower, which is used by many athletes to play sports in hypoxia and seek the benefits that this has in performance (increase in VO2max, due to to hematopoiesis). Now let's record the entry where we were talking about the VO2max, we can take a look at it.
However, as we say, most of the practice it produces in the mountains is a popular sport, in different seasons of the year, such as sky and snowboarding, mountain climbing, hiking, canyoning and many other sports.
To close this post, I would like to reflect, what could you do, is the beach or the mountain better? Each one will have their tastes, perhaps influenced by the sport they practice, but what I am sure of, is that they are two excellent means for practicing sports, each one with its advantages and disadvantages.


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