
Hello everyone, following the previous post on HIIT, we bring you a new entry related to VO2max. In it we will see what this parameter is and what is the use of knowing its values.
The vo2max, is one of the main physiological markers on the functional capacity of the individual. In a simple way, we can say that the maximum oxygen consumption is the amount of oxygen used by our body tissues. To determine this factor, we depend on the ability of our cardiocirculatory system to transport blood and oxygen, and on the ability of our tissues to extract oxygen from the blood. Having said this, we can deduce that for many athletes it is a marker that is sometimes related to performance, and it is true, but it is also a great predictor of the risk of morbidity and mortality. In this post we will try to address both perspectives.
The VO2max is an indicator that has progressively changed over the years. Its maximum peak can be reached from the physical activity of the individual. In elite athletes, its maximum peak at around 30 years, however, there is an aspect of this indicator that, if it is the same for everyone, and is once the barrier of 65-70 years is passed, coinciding many times, with retirement, this progressive decrease of which we speak, accelerates. It is at this time, when our best tool is within our reach, the continuous practice of exercise.
As we saw in the previous entry on HIIT, this result was a method, at least interesting, for the conservation and increase of VO2max. We must now indicate that there are many more methods for working it, but, above all, highlighting any type of physical activity will help us, at least, to maintain or slow down the progressive decline we were talking about. So much so, that we find examples in different studies of athletes of 90 years or more, who present a% VO2max higher than values ​​of the general population.
In this image, we show, according to age, a series of maximum oxygen consumption and its correspondence with the physical state. Also indicate that even if you do not indicate it in the table, you will find values ​​in high performance athletes much higher than those shown in the image. So much so, that there are extraordinary cases such as the Killian Journet, with 90 liters per minute and kilogram. In cases like this, not only does sport influence, but it also has an influencing genetic variable.

running.COACH Blog English » VO2max – maximal oxygen uptake ...

Once these points have been addressed, dear readers, I hope that you have reconsidered the importance of staying active, and, above all, the importance of practicing some type of physical activity. Every day there are more professionals in this field and as a consequence, there are more studies that demonstrate what was previously discussed. We could delve much deeper into this topic, since, from a physiological perspective, in this post, there are many fronts to talk about.

In the following link we have pdf files with extra information on the subject.



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