Hello everyone, once again we bring you a post on training, this time, to talk about plyometric training, a very fashionable training today, increasingly present in those athletes who want to improve their brands.

This type of training is selected as exercises that allow the muscle or muscle group to achieve maximum strength in the shortest amount of time. Therefore, we can say that this method takes into account the reactive capacity of the muscular system, closely related to elasticity and where the speed-force capacity, known as power, is worked. It is a type of training that adapts to most sports gestures, where concentric contraction precedes a muscle stretch, thus making clear the importance of the work of this stretch-shortening cycle (CEA) or plyometric action.
Seen from this perspective, it seems the least interesting for many athletes, but it is clear that this type of exercise is not universal and that to carry out it is important to carry out a progressive and specific process for each sport. Once this aspect has been taken into account, the general effects that plyometrics offers us can be the following:

- Improvement of neuromuscular processes
- Effect on inhibitory and facilitating mechanisms of muscle contraction
- It does not improve maximum strength in trained subjects, but its power.
- Enhances elastic energy storage capacity
- Improves mechanical efficiency
- Improves the degree of tolerance to the stretching load.

To finish, as there is a great variety of plyometric exercises, I leave this video quite complete, with plyometric exercises of all kinds and whose realization does not require the use of material:

▻Ejercicios pliometricos SIN MATERIAL para AUMENTAR la FUERZA y ...

Greetings friends, see you in the next post.


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