Tips to avoid aging fast

Today in this new post, I will talk a little about how as the years go by our body begins to age, but if we follow a series of tips very often we can take it to slow it down considerably.
After 30 years, you begin to notice the signs of aging little by little.

Aging or to call it the passing of the years, affects us all in some way, mainly in muscles and bones, fatigue appears, etc

Then I leave you a series of advice that you must follow if you want to stop this

dormir bien importancia enfermedades del sueño
1. Do sports. Sport stops aging and practicing it daily, at least five days a week for half an hour, prevents a lot of diseases and also generates endorphins that will provide you with unmatched well-being.
2. Sleep well. It is recommended to sleep at least seven to nine hours a day. Sleeping properly is the best treatment for radiant skin, plus you will have more energy and a good mood. If you have trouble going to bed at a good time, create a routine, it will help you with your goal.
3. 0 Stress. Avoid stress. Sport is a great anti stress and antidepressant drug. Also, you can try Mindfulness a little bit a day, take time for yourself and for your leisure.
4. Be very careful with sugar consumption. Sugary drinks and products that have too much sugar are related to a greater chance of developing dementia or other neurological pathologies directly related to aging. Also, remember that an excess of sugar promotes obesity and the development of pathologies such as diabetes. So it is best to undo sugar from your diet.
5.Eat right: Health comes from within and food plays a key role in looking young, add fruits and vegetables to your diet every day.

Start taking care of yourself so you don't get old so fast so you can enjoy life much longer

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