Hello everyone, in this section we will talk about the health benefits of sport. We have all heard many times that sport is good for health, but do you know what are the benefits of practicing sport?
Here we leave you a few and in future posts we will explain them further.

- Improves cardiovascular health. The heart is yet another muscle in the body and therefore we can strengthen it through regular exercise. Activities like brisk walking, running, cycling or swimming can be highly beneficial to our hearts.

- Reduces the risk of heart disease and diabetes. As a consequence of a healthier heart we avoid possible cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks or hypertension. In addition, we avoid diabetes mellitus or type II (insulin resistance) since by practicing sports we decrease the insulin resistance generated by diabetes.

- Avoid being overweight. As we move more we need more calories so our body instead of storing them as fats burns them to produce energy, thus helping to reduce overweight.

- Avoid osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is characterized by the loss of calcium in the bone. When doing physical exercise, especially strength exercises, we help the bone to maintain and retain calcium, so we avoid this loss that makes the bone fragile.

- Helps relieve stress. We live in an accelerated society with an excess of stimuli and external pressures that generate a state of anxiety and stress. When exercising, our body releases endorphins that help control cortisol (stress hormone) and generate a state of emotional well-being and euphoria. Furthermore, it distracts us from our worries and is a means of social relationship.

What do you think? Playing sports is the best medicine for most diseases today and these are just a few benefits. Of course, it should always be done carefully and under the supervision of sports professionals since inappropriate practice can have effects contrary to what we seek.

Here I leave you a video explaining the benefits of sport


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