
Joint mobility is the quality that allows athletes to perform large movements, either on their own, or under the influence of external forces. Traditionally, stretching has been considered an important component of physical preparation and athletic performance. They are generally practiced as part of the warm-up and return to calm with the idea of ​​increasing flexibility and performance, preventing injuries and reducing post-exercise muscle pain, thus accelerating recovery with a view to subsequent training sessions or competitions.
12 estiramientos básicos para practicar cualquier deporte ...

Starting from the different types of stretches that we find, in this post we will talk about static stretches, as they are the most common within the population. Many authors have given great importance to this type of stretching as part of sports training, naming them the easiest method to increase muscle flexibility. Static stretching has been shown to affect both the mechanical and neurological properties of the muscle-tendon unit, resulting in increased flexibility. This type of stretching reduces muscle stiffness due to the production of the inhibitory reflex of the agonist and synergistic muscles when stretching.
This technique includes two different forms of work that should be named; static-passive stretching and static-active stretching, whose difference is based on the fact that the former requires an external agent to be carried out and the latter does not.
To finish this post, we would like to know what is your point of view on this type of stretching, if you have practiced them and if there have been chronic improvements in your flexibility.

We leave you this link so that you have references about this type of stretching.

Ayala, F., de Baranda, P. S., & Cejudo, A. (2012). El entrenamiento de la flexibilidad: técnicas de estiramiento. Revista andaluza de Medicina del Deporte, 5(3), 105-112.


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