Hello everyone, today we have a new blog post where we will talk about the myths surrounding nutrition.

How many times have you been told or have you heard "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day" or "Protein is bad for the kidneys" and so with more that are named below.
Therefore, next I am going to name many of the myths so that you stop believing that they are true.
We start:
• "Carbohydrates make you fat at night": This myth has been repeated a lot.
Hydrates, like any other macronutrient, will only make us gain weight if at the end of the day our caloric balance is positive.

• "You have to make five meals a day":This statement is not based on any scientific data, but nevertheless it has also been taken as true by many for years since it has been defended with the argument that eating five meals a day helps to maintain satiety, when reality is just the opposite.
Foods with more quantity but less frequent have a greater capacity than small meals.
 In fact, the effectiveness of intermittent fasting as a fat loss protocol lies in this increased satiety.

• "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day":In general, all meals are of equal importance, so giving more importance to breakfast does not make sense. In reality, this belief is created by companies that sell ultra-processed products.

"It is recommended to drink a glass of wine a day":Although wine consumption has been shown to be a factor in reducing cardiovascular disease, the alcohol it contains has also been shown to be a risk factor for death from all causes.

"Protein is bad for the kidneys": If this myth were true we would have been extinct many years ago. Protein is completely necessary to keep us alive since it fulfills a large number of functions (hormonal, structural, enzymatic, transporter, immunological ...).
Studies have been carried out where it is concluded that in healthy people even the really high doses of proteins are incapable of generating kidney or liver damage. 

• Drinking water at meals makes you fat:Water has no calories. Therefore it will not make you gain weight if it is taken before, during or after meals.

• Fruit makes you fat:Another great myth that is false, fruit in adequate portions is healthy because it provides us with vitamins and minerals.

Then I leave you a video where he visually explains many other myths of nutrition.

I hope that with this entry it has served to stop you from believing in those myths that have been in our society for so long and have no significance.



  1. I have learned a lot in this post, since I was aware of most of these myths that you have named and that I still believed that they were true

  2. I just discovered with this post many things that I thought were true, but apparently they are false myths that have been in our society for years and that many people like me still believe that all this food is true


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